HEX to Decimal

HEX to Decimal

Use this tool to easily convert a hexadecimal number into a decimal number. Just enter the hex value and you'll get the decimal value.

Hexadecimal (HEX) numbers are widely used in computing and digital electronics. Understanding how to convert HEX to decimal is essential for anyone working in these fields. In this article, we'll delve into what hexadecimal numbers are, why they are used, and how to convert them to decimal.

What is a Hexadecimal Number?

Hexadecimal is a base-16 number system. Unlike the decimal system, which is base-10, hexadecimal uses 16 symbols to represent values. These symbols include the numbers 0 to 9 and the letters A to F. Here’s a quick overview:

  • 0 to 9 represent values 0 to 9.
  • A to F represent values 10 to 15.

Why Use Hexadecimal?

Hexadecimal numbers are used because they can represent large numbers with fewer digits. This is particularly useful in computing for a few reasons:

  • Memory Addresses: Memory addresses in computers are often very large. Representing them in hexadecimal simplifies their notation.
  • Binary Representation: Hexadecimal is more closely related to binary, the fundamental language of computers. Every hex digit corresponds to exactly four binary digits (bits), making conversions between the two systems straightforward.

How to Convert Hexadecimal to Decimal

Converting hexadecimal to decimal involves understanding the place value of each digit in the hexadecimal number. Here’s a step-by-step process.

Step-by-Step Conversion Process

  1. Identify the Hexadecimal Number: Take a hexadecimal number you want to convert, for example, 1A3F.

  2. List the Place Values: Write down the place values for each digit. In hexadecimal, these place values are powers of 16, starting from 16^0 on the right.

    • F = 16^0 (1)
    • 3 = 16^1 (16)
    • A = 16^2 (256)
    • 1 = 16^3 (4096)
  3. Convert Hex Digits to Decimal: Convert each hexadecimal digit to its decimal equivalent.

    • F = 15
    • 3 = 3
    • A = 10
    • 1 = 1
  4. Multiply Each Digit by Its Place Value: Multiply each digit by its corresponding place value.

    • 1 * 4096 = 4096
    • A (10) * 256 = 2560
    • 3 * 16 = 48
    • F (15) * 1 = 15
  5. Add the Results Together: Sum all the products to get the decimal value.

    • 4096 + 2560 + 48 + 15 = 6719

So, 1A3F in hexadecimal equals 6719 in decimal.

Example Conversion: Hexadecimal to Decimal

Let's work through another example for clarity: converting the hexadecimal number 2B7 to decimal.

  1. Identify the Hexadecimal Number: 2B7.

  2. List the Place Values:

    • 7 = 16^0 (1)
    • B = 16^1 (16)
    • 2 = 16^2 (256)
  3. Convert Hex Digits to Decimal:

    • 7 = 7
    • B = 11
    • 2 = 2
  4. Multiply Each Digit by Its Place Value:

    • 2 * 256 = 512
    • B (11) * 16 = 176
    • 7 * 1 = 7
  5. Add the Results Together:

    • 512 + 176 + 7 = 695

Thus, 2B7 in hexadecimal is 695 in decimal.

Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion Table

For quick reference, here is a table showing the decimal equivalents of hexadecimal digits:

Hexadecimal Decimal
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
A 10
B 11
C 12
D 13
E 14
F 15

Practical Applications of Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion

Memory Addressing

In computer science, memory addresses are often represented in hexadecimal for readability and compactness. Converting these addresses to decimal can help in understanding memory allocation and usage.

Color Codes in Web Design

Hexadecimal color codes are used in web design to define colors. For example, the color code #FF5733 translates to specific red, green, and blue (RGB) values. Understanding these values in decimal helps in fine-tuning colors.

Debugging and Development

Programmers frequently encounter hexadecimal numbers while debugging and developing software, especially when working with low-level programming languages or system software. Converting these numbers to decimal can simplify the debugging process.

Automating Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion

Manually converting hexadecimal to decimal can be time-consuming, especially for large numbers. Fortunately, many tools and calculators can automate this process.

Using Online Converters

There are numerous online tools available that can quickly convert hexadecimal numbers to decimal. Simply input the hex number, and the tool will output the decimal equivalent.

Programming Languages

Most programming languages provide built-in functions to handle hexadecimal to decimal conversion. Here are a few examples:


hex_number = "1A3F"
decimal_number = int(hex_number, 16)
print(decimal_number)  # Output: 6719


let hexNumber = "1A3F";
let decimalNumber = parseInt(hexNumber, 16);
console.log(decimalNumber);  // Output: 6719


#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>

int main() {
    std::string hexNumber = "1A3F";
    int decimalNumber;
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << std::hex << hexNumber;
    ss >> decimalNumber;
    std::cout << decimalNumber << std::endl;  // Output: 6719
    return 0;

Hexadecimal in Assembly Language

In assembly language programming, hexadecimal is often used due to its close relationship with binary. Understanding how to convert these values to decimal is crucial for low-level programming and hardware design.

Common Pitfalls and Tips

Leading Zeros

When converting hexadecimal numbers with leading zeros (e.g., 00A5), the leading zeros can be ignored in the conversion process.

Case Sensitivity

Hexadecimal digits can be represented in both uppercase (A-F) and lowercase (a-f). Both representations are equivalent, so 1A3F is the same as 1a3f.


Double-check your conversions by reversing the process. Convert the decimal result back to hexadecimal to ensure accuracy.


Converting hexadecimal to decimal is a fundamental skill in computing and digital electronics. Whether you're working with memory addresses, color codes, or debugging software, understanding this conversion process is crucial. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, you can easily convert any hexadecimal number to its decimal equivalent. Utilize online tools and programming functions to streamline the process, and always double-check your results for accuracy.


Azahar Ahmed

CEO / Co-Founder

I am Azahar Ahmed, a youthful Engineer, Entrepreneur, Digital Marketer, and Motivational speaker native to Nagaon, Assam, India. Originating from a middle-class background, I am the sole son. My accomplishments are indebted to my father, a Teacher, and my mother, formerly a Teacher but now devoted to our well-being. My mother has been my closest ally, and unitedly, my parents have fostered and realized all my aspirations, epitomizing the perfect parents.

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